- Fimet Motori e Riduttori Spa
World leader in the production of motors, greaboxes and gear-motors.
- Rolfo Spa
Industrial Veicles.
- Ronco Fratelli Spa
bearing structures in steel, walls and coverages in sheet metal or precoibentati panels, doors, windows or fronts in aluminium league..
- Inedi srl
Project design and production of large-size industrial gates and wall panels.
- Siecab srl
Project design and production of industrial automation systems and AutoMotive.
- Nixie
International web server for voluntary.
- Brezzo
Prestigious producer of apicolture Honey, wines and confectionary specialties.
- Opificio Romano
Costantino Aureliano Buccolieri - The Roman Workshop, specialised in the creation and restoration of mosaics and other stoneworks.
- Tenuta La Pineta
The best wines of our land...onlyf from Agricoltural Firms
- Langhe
Web Server dedicated to the touristic, gastronomical and cultural development of the Langhe district of Piedmont, Italy.
- Caboverde
Web Server dedicated to promote tourism to Cabo Verde Island.