Presenting the FrontPage 98 - Beta Bulletin
created expressly for those of you who've completed registration for the FrontPage 98 Beta release!
In this edition and in bulletins to come, you'll find out how to make your evaluation experience as rewarding as possible - by way of great tips, tricks, feature articles and support info available at
http://www.microsoft.com/frontpageIf you'd rather not receive these updates, all you have to do is "unsubscribe" per the directions down below.
Our first piece of news is that the FrontPage 98 Beta-download program has been a phenomenal success, attracting hundreds of thousands of online visitors thus far, not to mention a fair number of favorable reviews. Of the Beta, PC Magazine Online declared that "no ambitious Webmaster should be without it." And according to PC World Online, with FrontPage 98 "first-timers can easily create a stunning, multipage site right out of the box." (Both of these comments came from the August '97 editions of these publications.) For more News and Reviews of this sort, see
http://www.microsoft.com/frontpage/productinfo/newsIf you're one of the many who've already downloaded the Beta, we hope you're getting well acquainted with it. This new version of FrontPage makes the creation and management of dynamic, interactive, high-quality Web sites an exceptionally easy and streamlined affair, as your own evaluations should show. Because this Beta program has been so popular, and because demand on our servers in the first weeks was so high, some of you may have had trouble downloading all five of the bits that make up the release. If you did, we invite and encourage you to try again - the initial download-frenzy has abated. And because you've already registered online, you can bypass the registration process and go straight to:
http://www.microsoft.com/frontpage/download/pick_default_167.htm, where you can download either the entire Beta or just the bits you missed the first time. (If you'd rather dodge the download altogether, you can order the FrontPage 98 Beta CD from
http://www.microsoft.com/frontpage/download/cdorder.htmAs is ordinarily the case with Beta releases, no formal support is available for this program - but you can consult with fellow Betazoids as part of a peer-to-peer newsgroup devoted to FrontPage 98.
Check out for details on how to join and participate: http://www.microsoft.com/frontpage/support.htm
Of course quite a few useful how-to's can be found on the FrontPage site, home to tips on applying Themes to your site, applying images to hover-buttons, using navigation-bars, and much more.
Check them all out at: http://www.microsoft.com/frontpage/tips/default.htm
Plus check out the quick tips at: http://www.microsoft.com/frontpage/tips/quicktips.htm
There's a wealth of ways to get the most from your FrontPage 98 Beta, including this new series of Beta Bulletins. Thank you again for taking part in the Beta program - we appreciate your support and hope your evaluation is going well.
May you go on to create the finest sites on the Web, and may you visit, often to get the news and info you need! to: http://www.microsoft.com/frontpage
Farewell for now, from all of us on the FrontPage Team.
Another up-to-the-minute bulletin will be on its way to you soon!
* The FrontPage 98 Beta CD is available only in the U.S.A. and Canada; shipping and handling charges apply. For full details, visit http://www.microsoft.com/frontpagePassage of Microsoft Corporation.
Microsoft and FrontPage are registered trademarks of Microsoft
Last updated 7-Jan-97
Webmaster Elsy mail to: elsy@interbusiness.it